If I’ve ever won 1st place before, it definitely wasn’t in a running event.

1st Place!

If I’ve ever won 1st place before, it definitely wasn’t in a running event.

As I crossed the finish line, I wandered over to the results area to see how I fared for the 5K event.  Even though it was a charity event, there were definitely a few serious runners in the mix.

Beside my name on the results page was #1. What!?  I felt good about my run, but seriously out of almost 100 runners, first place?

As my pride begin to grow, I was already thinking about standing on the podium with the medal being placed around my neck as the anthem of the United States played in the background.

So that I could capture the enormousness of the moment, I approached the race coordinator to clarify a few details.  “Oh the 1st Place doesn’t mean you won the race, it just means you placed first in your age group and gender group.”

Slightly disappointed but still excited that I had most likely beaten a bunch of old guys, I asked one more question. “How many guys were in the 50-59 group?”

The race coordinator patiently looked at the list of participants and replied, “It looks like you and one other participant”.   Ouch! I guess the Olympic committee won’t be calling anytime soon.

Helping business leaders “Get Clarity” is one of our mission statements at Fulling Management & Accounting, Inc. Too many times we see business owners make poor decisions based on inaccurate financial information or like in my running story, simply lack the understanding of what the numbers mean.

·       Brings us back to reality.
·       Helps us make wise decisions.
·       Puts things in perspective.

Getting clarity is critical towards helping us grow as leaders.

While my Olympic dreams may have been dashed, I was reminded of the importance of having clarity when it comes to results. This is true in running and in celebrating business wins along the way.

So, if anyone asks, you can tell them I placed FIRST, in my category, at the 2024 Great Bacon Race in Branson, Missouri. 😁


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