In 2001, I paid cash for a brand new Chevy Silverado.

In 2001, I paid cash for a brand new Chevy Silverado.

I loved that truck.

And because of the sentimental value, I have probably hung onto it way too long.

A truck is one thing. Business practices are another.

But we do the same thing.

There’s comfort in what you know, and also, if we admit it, a sentimental attachment to things that got us started.

But what got you here won’t get you there.

Here are 5 reasons NOT letting go in business will inhibit your growth:

1. Blocks new ideas: Refusing to let go of familiar practices can block the flow of fresh ideas and impede creative problem-solving.

2. Hidden maintenance costs: Outdated practices come with hidden costs that can weigh down your progress and hinder profitability.

3. Growth = Change: Growth requires change, and holding onto outdated strategies hinders your ability to evolve with the market and stay competitive.

4. Stifles innovation: Clinging to old methods stifles innovation and limits your business's ability to adapt and thrive.

5. Limits scalability: Holding onto the past can create bottlenecks that prevent your business from scaling effectively to meet demand.

Okay, so my Chevy isn’t going anywhere. I fully plan on keeping it until the tires fall off.

But I hope this inspires you to take a look at the things you’re doing in your business and ask yourself, 'What am I holding on to that, if I let go, would propel my business's growth?


I give you permission to be “too slow.”


Legacy starts with consistency.